First off, the Staff at Niagara Quartermaster would like to say a very big "Thank You" to our customers and friends that came out to support both our store and outdoor field, it was reassuring that our sport was able to bounce back immediately.
Even though we had a late start to opening the field, our attendance was steady and many embraced the online pre-order tickets and waiver system we set up to minimize your exposure. We managed to have a exceptional food drive and toy collection this Fall (and is still going on) - we were pleased that the giving atmosphere of the airsoft community did not disappoint. We had a great group of players this season and look forward to seeing you in the Spring.
With the holiday season ahead and the cooling of the weather, we are setting our sights on Black Friday and some special sales prior to Christmas. Of course, everything depends on the Niagara Regional Council and COVID on whether or not we go into lockdown. Fear not, we will be open for curbside pickup and delivery, plus, we got something interesting planned... just in case.
We will be posting our 2021 Calendar of Events soon and if all goes well, Airsoft Fest will be back!
Thanks again for the support.
NQ Staff